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6th Winemaker Service Fair

From 5th to 7th February | Karlsruhe, Germany

The Winzerservice Messe 2025 is a prominent trade fair for the viticulture, winemaking, and agricultural sectors, held in Karlsruhe, Germany. 
The event focuses on providing industry professionals with insights into the latest technologies, equipment, and services for vineyards, cellars, and farm management. 
It features a diverse range of exhibitors showcasing innovations in machinery, crop protection, irrigation, and winemaking processes.
Our partner KME-AGROMAX will be representing Frolight, in their booth you can find more information about our system and to learn more about our innovative solution.

Le registrazioni sono chiuse
Date & Time
mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
Inizio - 09:00 (Europe/Berlin)
venerdì 7 febbraio 2025
Fine - 18:00 (Europe/Berlin) Aggiungi al calendario

Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre

Messeallee 1
76287 Rheinstetten
--Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre--

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