Sistemul pentru protecție fără griji împotriva înghețului de primăvară 

Frolight folosește puterea tuburilor cu lumină infraroșie pentru a oferi căldură radiată direct viței tale de vie valoroase. Spune adio pericolului ca înghețul de primăvară să îți afecteze recolta. Sistemul nostru inovator asigură condiții optime, protejându-ți podgoria și maximizând producția. 

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Fii sigur, vița ta de vie este protejată în orice circumstanțe.

Înfruntă temperaturile de îngheț în toate condițiile meteorologice. Ploaie, vânt, îngheț radiativ, îngheț de advecție sau chiar îngheț negru? Frolight te protejează.

Valorificând puterea radiației inovatoare a luminii infraroșii, Frolight minimizează eficient pierderile de energie cauzate de condițiile meteorologice dificile. Soluția noastră complet automatizată și ecologică oferă protecție optimă pentru podgoria ta.

Află cum poate Frolight să îți protejeze podgoria!

An active Frolight installation installed in a vineyard covered in snow.


Warming lights being tested at Kelowna vineyard doing their job as temperatures plunge

Published Jan 22, 2025

Frolights are designed to turn on automatically if the temperature drops below -10 C. Stewart says it has been so cold this past week, with temperatures dipping below -15 C, that they have been manually switching the system on at night and off in the morning because sunshine during the day has been enough to keep the vines from suffering lasting damage.

Quails' Gate Winery in West Kelowna is testing new infared equipment to warm up its vines in extreme cold temperatures to ensure the health and liveliness of its buds. 

Published Jan 22, 2025

It may be the middle of winter, but Quails’ Gate Winery is bringing the heat to its vineyard with infrared technology.

The West Kelowna winery is testing an infrared vacuum LED tube to stay sustainable through the winter or even a cold snap.  

Evolution of Freeze and Frost Protection Continues with Infrared, Electromagnetic Technologies

Published in August 2024

This technology has great potential to provide a much-needed increased level of safety by offering a lower freezing temperature that can be protected against. One might even see that crop protection insurance rates could drop with the increased level of protection afforded by Frolight, once proved by longer term use of the equipment. Regardless of that happening, lowering crop loss is a good thing. From initial reports, it is certainly a system that needs to be considered as an important addition to producing quality wines from grapes grown in difficult locations. WBM .      <-- Download article in pdf

Fruit growers were not caught off guard by the night frost: "Even mowing the grass under the trees helps."

Published on 24 April 2024

It may have created a fairytale-like scene, all those fire pots among the fruit trees. But for the fruit growers, it was all hands on deck last night. Frost damage to the fruit means lower yields. And every fruit grower swears by their own tactic to protect their young fruits.

Frolight Highlighted in BP for Frost Protection in Meursault Vineyards

Published on 24 April 2024

The article from BP discusses the use of Frolight’s infrared lamps in Meursault to protect vineyards from frost. The IR tubes, which warm the plants directly without heating the surrounding air, were deployed in a small section of the vineyard during a frost risk. Frolight is recognized for its efficiency and discreet design, providing an effective solution for safeguarding vines in challenging weather conditions.

Frolight Featured in La Revue du vin de France for Frost Protection in Vineyards

Published on 23 April 2024

The article from La Revue du vin de France features Frolight’s infrared frost protection system, tested at Domaine Belargus in Quart de Chaume, Loire. The system, praised for raising temperatures by +4°C in wet conditions, is valued for its discreet design and remote management. It is seen as a promising, long-term solution for protecting vineyards from frost amid climate change challenges.,4817009.asp

Frolight Featured as a Leading Solution in Frost Protection for Vineyard

Published on 23 April 2024

Frolight is proud to be recognized in an article highlighting innovative frost protection systems for vineyards. Our advanced technology helps farmers effectively prevent frost damage, ensuring the health of their crops during critical weather events .

Hautvillers: Frolight pentru protecție țintită la Champagne Gobillard

Publicat pe 8 februarie 2024

Maison Gobillard din Dizy își protejează parcelele de Chardonnay cu ajutorul cablurilor radiante numite Frolight. Această tehnică păstrează calitatea acestor parcele bine definite. Convins de eficacitatea cablurilor radiante pe parcelele bine definite, Alexandre Gobillard de la domeniul Gobillard din Dizy folosește tehnica Frolight în fiecare an pentru a-și proteja chardonnay-ul....