• Control Unit Accessories
Frolight Wet Bulb Sensor
Acest senzor poate fi adăugat la o unitate de control pentru a măsura temperatura bulbului umed | Umiditatea relativă este calculată prin intermediul platformei MyFrolight
€ 157,00 157.0 EUR
Unitate Automată de Pornire a Generatorului Frolight
Starterul de generator Frolight este un dispozitiv autonom, cu propria baterie și panou solar, care funcționează în funcție de temperatură. Când temperatura scade sub o valoare prestabilită, acesta închide un contact fără potențial. Acest contact poate fi conectat la aproape orice marcă de generator, permițând pornirea automată a generatorului atunci când este necesar.
€ 1.573,00 1573.0 EUR
Frolight 2nd Temperature Set 50m
This Temperature sensor can be added to your Frolight system to capture the dry temperature at a second position.
€ 205,00 205.0 EUR
€ 140,00 140.0 EUR
Frolight Control Unit Metal Support Base
This metal base is used to install the Frolight Control Unit at height. One is already included for every control unit bought.
€ 106,00 106.0 EUR
Power Adaptor CEE 16A R MALE - CEE 32A R FEMALE
For Max 600 meters of Frolight IR-TUBE
€ 95,00 95.0 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 32AR 5 M
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit with 5 meters
€ 107,00 107.0 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 32AR 10 Meters
Extension cable that can be used to extend the power cord of a Frolight Control Unit Master or Slave
€ 153,00 153.0 EUR
Cablu prelungitor CEE CEE 32AR 25 M
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit
€ 295,00 295.0 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 63AR 5 Meters
Extension cable that can be used to extend the power cord of a Frolight Control Unit Master or Slave
€ 315,96 315.96 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 125AR 5 Meters
Extension cable that can be used to extend the power cord of a Frolight Control Unit Master or Slave
€ 570,76 570.76 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 32AR 100 M
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit
€ 986,35 986.35 EUR