• Accessories
  • Control Units
  • Unwind systems
  • Complete Systems
Frolight Wet Bulb Sensor
Acest senzor poate fi adăugat la o unitate de control pentru a măsura temperatura bulbului umed | Umiditatea relativă este calculată prin intermediul platformei MyFrolight
€ 157,00 157.0 EUR
Unitate Automată de Pornire a Generatorului Frolight
Starterul de generator Frolight este un dispozitiv autonom, cu propria baterie și panou solar, care funcționează în funcție de temperatură. Când temperatura scade sub o valoare prestabilită, acesta închide un contact fără potențial. Acest contact poate fi conectat la aproape orice marcă de generator, permițând pornirea automată a generatorului atunci când este necesar.
€ 1.573,00 1573.0 EUR
Frolight 2nd Temperature Set 50m
This Temperature sensor can be added to your Frolight system to capture the dry temperature at a second position.
€ 205,00 205.0 EUR
€ 140,00 140.0 EUR
Frolight Control Unit Metal Support Base
This metal base is used to install the Frolight Control Unit at height. One is already included for every control unit bought.
€ 106,00 106.0 EUR
Power Adaptor CEE 16A R MALE - CEE 32A R FEMALE
For Max 600 meters of Frolight IR-TUBE
€ 95,00 95.0 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 32AR 5 M
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit with 5 meters
€ 107,00 107.0 EUR
Extension Power Cable CEE 32AR 10 Meters
Extension cable that can be used to extend the power cord of a Frolight Control Unit Master or Slave
€ 153,00 153.0 EUR
Cablu prelungitor CEE CEE 32AR 25 M
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit
€ 295,00 295.0 EUR
CEE Verlengkabel 32AR 25 M (kopie)
This cable is used to extend the length of the power cable of a control unit
€ 525,00 525.0 EUR
Max Tapener HT-R1
Tape Binding Tool to fix IR-TUBE. To be used with Max Tape [FLAMT-TB01] and Staples [FLAMT-ST01]
€ 54,00 54.0 EUR
€ 2.883,00 2883.0 EUR
Frolight Extension Cable 50 meters
An IR tube has 10 meters of power cable to reach the control unit. If this is not sufficient, an extension cable can be used to extend the length with an extra 5 to 100 meters.
€ 196,00 196.0 EUR
Frolight IR Extension Cable 30 meters
An IR tube has 10 meters of power cable to reach the control unit. If this is not sufficient, this cable can be used to extend the length with an extra 30 meters.
€ 153,00 153.0 EUR
Bobină mare din PVC 80 cm
Bobină mare din PVC pentru utilizare cu FLAFW Hydraulic Fix Winder, pentru a înfășura până la 600 de metri de IR-TUBE.
€ 164,46 164.46 EUR